Most recently I completed stitching this cute little snowman called “Sparkles” He is stitched on 10 count Blue Aida with a sparkle thread using Kreinik Metallic threads. Thank goodness for someone’s suggestion of using “Thread Heaven” because this thread is a bear to stitch with. I would like to finish this as a Card Holder if I could find directions or a pattern to use. I am not very creative when it comes to putting things together but do have an idea of what I want it to look like.
Then Sunday I completed this little cute piece called “Teatime” It is stitched on 10 count Aida using 4 strands of DMC in greens and yellows and has a little Tulip and two Leaf charms from Mill Hill attached to the band of the teapot. I’m not sure how to tinish this one. Any Suggestions?
I pulled out Dragon Dreams “Fantasy Sampler” and discovered that the fabric I had purchased for this piece was Lugana (which to me is hatefully thick, heavy fabric to stitch on). So putting that aside until I can purchase another piece of light pink linen, I have decided to work on my Santa Ornaments.
Several years ago, I enrolled it a project of the month from Cross-Stitch and More. I have about 15 kitted up projects from there so with Christmas coming up, this would be a good time to work on them.
This little Santa stitched up really quick. He is designed by Heart Strings and is called “On the way to the Millennium” as the banner was charted with the year 2000 on it. I omitted that (since I am about 10 years late in stitching him) and haven’t decided whether to stitch this year or something else like “Peace” or “Joy”. What do you think?
On to the next Santa..
I just love the first snowman you shared! Where did you buy the aida? It's so pretty!! The teatime turned out cute too. I would suggest something like peace or joy for the Santa. Do they still do the project of the month kits from cross stitch and more. Sounds like it would be fun to join.
Sounds like you have your hands really full. I think Kttycat is right...maybe Joy....
Sorry about your sewing machine! When it's fixed, you'll have even more projects to finish up. The blue sparkly fabric for your Santa is really pretty! I like your Millenium Santa too, but my vote is for 2010. LOL
What a cute little snowman, he's very sweet.
I would stitch the santa with the words 'peace, joy' or something like that. :-)
Bummer about the SM. Your finishes look really nice, though.
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